Yeih! Hoy iré al cine con la familia. Todavía no sé que vamos a ver, supongo que la de "Dredd" :) Es de ley ir al cine los sábados. Somos una familia cinéfila, esa es la verdad. Me gustan mucho las películas de acción y de misterio, esas son las más buenas.
Hace unos momentos estaba escribiendo otro one-shot. Espero terminarlo para el lunes y subirlo. :) Este one-shot será de amor colegial. Despúes de leer tantos mangas shoujo, me dieron ganas de escribir algo así. No olviden estar en contacto para que puedan leerlo.
Bueno, eso es todo. Tengan un buen fin de semana.
Yeih! Today I'm gonna go with my family to the movies. I still don't know what are we gonna watch but, I guess it will be "Dredd". :) We always go on saturday to the movies. We are a loving-movie family, thats the true. I like the action and mistery movies, those are the good ones.
A few moments I was writing another one-shot. I hope I can finish it by monday and upload it. :) It will be about school love. After reading lots of shoujo manga, I wanted to do something similar.
Oh! But after I upload that one-shot, I will upload the poem that its now in spanish, called "Oscuro", so wait for it a little more. Its a great poem with a big meaning behind those complicated phrases. Hope you like it.
:D Well, thats all. Have a nice weekend.