"En este mundo todos estamos locos, de lo contrario nadie hubiera sobrevivido como hasta ahora lo ha hecho" ~~Lilium Gore

jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

Trabajando, trabajando / Working, working

¡¡Aww!!! Y aquí otra ilustración de mi personaje principal Iinu, ¡del cual muy pronto conocerán! Estoy trabajando arduamente para traerles mi nueva historia llena de emoción y secretos. :) Por favor, esperénla ansiosamente. Por el momento no estoy dibujando nada, ya que quiero terminar cuanto antes la historia y así, ustedes la disfruten.
¡Ya casi, ya casi!
Lilium Gore

Awww!! And here another illustration of my main character Iinu, which you will soon get to know! I'm working really hard to bring you my newest novel full of emotion and secrets and other interesting things. :) So please, wait for it a little more! I'm not drawing in this moment, I just want to end the novel right away so you can enjoy it.
I'm waiting for it.

Lilium Gore.

martes, 21 de agosto de 2012


I have been off for a little while, but I'm back! :)
I'm still working in the short novel that I will be uploading here anytime, but for the moment you can enjoy reading some of my news poems. :) I love writing poems, it's the best!
Well, here I show you one I did a few days ago.


©Todos los derechos reservados


Son las 23:14.
La noche brilla intensamente.
Miro al cielo, las estrellas se parecen a ti.
Recuerdo perfectamente tus últimas palabras;
“Eres la persona más importante para mí”, dijiste.
¿Sabes? Todavía te amo,
El vidrio de la ventana está mojado,
la lluvia cae fuertemente.
Un minuto tranquilo.
Todo está tan tranquilo,
El sonido muerto baila como pequeños pétalos.
Es tan hermoso.
Tu recuerdo es demasiado pesado.
Mi corazón ya está completamente roto.
¿Por qué estás tan lejos?
¿Por qué me dejaste solo?
Las horas pasan,
mientras mis lágrimas me dejan ver 
un triste cristal color blanco.

©All rights reserved


It is 23:14.
The night bright intensely.
I look at the sky, the starts look like you.
I perfectly remember your last words;
"You are the most important person in my life", you said.
You know? I still love you.
The glass of the window is wet,
the rain falls strongly.
A peaceful minute.
Everything is so calm.
The dead sound dances like little petals.
It is so beautiful.
Your memory is too heavy.
My heart is now completely broken.
Why are you so far?
Why have you let me alone?
The time passes,
meanwhile my tears let me see
a sad white crystal.

miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

Infinito (poema)

 por-LiliuM-Gore ©Todos los derechos reservados

Profundo, profundo…

Eh perdido mis piernas,

ahora las sombras me rodean.

Tengo miedo.

El mundo frente a mis ojos es oscuro y solitario.

No puedo ver nada.

El sonido aquí está muerto.

¿Dónde estoy?

Profundo, profundo.

Mi corazón está perdido, roto,

mi razón ya no importa más.

¿Esta vida para quién es?

Tu me has olvidado,

tu me has matado;

quisiera saber el porqué.

Profundo caigo,

dentro de este desolado mundo. 

    by-LiliuM-Gore ©All rights reserved

Deep, deep…
I have lost my legs,
now the shadows are around me.
I’m afraid.
The world in front of my eyes is dark and lonely.
I can’t see anything.
The sound is dead here.
Where I am?
Deep, deep.
My heart is lost, broken,
my reason doesn’t matter anymore.
For who is this live?
You have forgotten me,
you have killed me;
I wish I could now why.
Deep I fall,
inside this bleak world.

martes, 14 de agosto de 2012

Papel de Colores

 by-LiliuM-Gore ©Todos los derechos reservados

Fuertes fueron los vientos que nos aprisionaron,

Impidiéndonos una vez más que nuestras manos se entrelazaran entre sí.
Nuestras miradas perdieron ese único brillo
que lograba romper la intensa oscuridad.

Ahora vivímos alejados el uno del otro,
entre mundos cubiertos de odio e infelicidad.
Solo una vez pido verte de nuevo.

Solo una vez para saber que lo que vivimos no fue una triste ilusión hecha de papeles de colores,
ahora quemados por el odio de aquel frío viento. 

  by-LiliuM-Gore ©All rights reserved

Strong were the winds that imprisoned us,
preventing us from once again that our hands intertwine with each other.
Our eyes lost that unique glow that could break that intense darkness.
Now we live away from each other,
between worlds covered with hatred and unhappiness.
Only once I ask to see you again.
Only once to know that what we experienced was not just a sad illusion made of colored papers,
now burned with hate of the cold wind.

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012

Reverse Skies


                                                                                                                               ©All rights reserved

What is this feeling that drives me to follow that place? Although I know reality, one part of me drives me to continue, without surrender. Is this only a dream? I had given everything I had for this feeling, and still, I haven’t been able to find anything. What is this that oppresses my chest to the point of being unable to breathe? My eyes are open but I feel lost in a fake dream. What is the point of this if I did not find the so called happiness?
The sky stills preserves that pastel blue that shines so brightly…the sun illuminates everything in its path, making it more memorable. My heart beats alarmingly every time I'm about to arrive but… is the fate the one that not let me go there?  When I turn my head to see behind me, I realize how much I have lost for this absurd feeling. I find myself lost in a world of lies, of falsehoods. I have forgotten what really makes me happy, I have forgotten eating, breathing…. and all for what?
My tears do not get to hear the big pain that escapes from me. For who is this dream? I don't remember the face of that person who gave me more that I could have had alone… The sky is not enough if I'm not with you, if I can't see you again. Nothing is enough: not even that place that I have been searching for so long.  
Finally I understood that the paradise that everyone yearn and search so apprehensively is closer that we might imagine, we just have to open wide our eyes and not lose the time in unrealistic dreams. We are the ones that can create our own paradise; within us is the real power to continue; to find true happiness.
Extracted from "Máquina de Descomposiciones, Vol.1/ Cielos inversos"

viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

"The Strawberry / La Fresa" -prev

Meet my new character; Iinumae! :)
Kawaii, desu ne??
He is the main character for my new history, which soon you will get to know. I hope you like it.
In this story you will get to know everything about Iinumae and his aventures. Of course there will be more characters, but everything with calm.
Every draw I post here, will be too on my deviantart page: http://lilium-gore.deviantart.com/. In this moment I'm really into drawing. I guess my inspiration is concentrated in that.
I will be posting the first chapter very soon (in english and spanish), so please, stay in touch! :D

Conozcan a mi nuevo personaje; Iinumae!
Está bien kawaii, y no es porque yo lo diga, ajaja!
Él es personaje personal de mi nueva historia, la cual muy pronto podrán conocer. Espero les guste mucho, pues lo estoy haciendo con todo el amor del mundo. En esta historia conoceran todo de este nuevo persona y sus aventuras, (y la razón de su nombre tan singular). Habrá más personajes pero todo con calma. Todas las ilustraciones que vaya subiendo aqui, las podrán ver en mi página de deviantart: http://lilium-gore.deviantart.com/. En estos momentos estoy muy metida en el dibujo. Supongo que toda mi inspiración está concentrada ahí, así que le sacaré el mejor de los provechos. Muy pronto voy a subir el primer capítulo (en español y por lo consiguiente en inglés), así que estén en contacto. <3

miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2012

Goodbye, liar....

by ~LiliuM-GoRe

Love is something ephemeral that hurts
treacherously and changes into hate.
It hurts to know that, but is the true.
You can give everything you have,
but sometimes is not enough.
What more is needed, to be truly happy?
Even with a smile,
love can destroy a fragile world like mine.